(water brush)
In the comic books,Bruce Wayne choose to use a bat costume to scare criminals up.But if he truly wanted to become a fearful creature he should have used a clown costume instead,as the Joker clearly demonstrates.On the other hand,the most creepy thing about him is that he's actually not using a costume.No wonder then why he became one of the most popular supervillains ever.And in case you were wondering,no,I didn't like the Ledger version -looked way too much like Beetlejuice and behaved more like a psycho rather a sociopath.But I suppose that's just personal preferences.
Anyways,this pic was made for
Cornered,a blog dedicated to showcase reinterpretations of corner art used in comic books.As usual whenever I participate in this kind of blog projects,what you see here is the lineart -
the final,colored illo is alrready posted there.