(brush & digital stuff)
Personally I think that saying 'Happy New Year' on New Year's Eve doesn't make much sense.You know,you don't go wishing 'Good Morning' from the night before,so I think that it's better greeting when the New Year has actually started and is in the present,not before.But that's just my point of view.
Then there's the true reason why January 1st is special for me:it marks the anniversary of this LJ.Today,it's 6 years since I
posted for the first time here (quite a while,ah?).
I guess I've never mentioned it before,but I got this account as a gift from a friend (unfortunately I lost all contact with her -but if you're out there Gabs,thank you).At first I had no idea what to do exactly here because I already had a personal blog...and in the end I migrated
said blog to a second LJ account because I really found myself comfortable here.And that's mostly because I've met lots of wonderful and awesome people right here.Some might say that online interaction is cold and even fake,yet I can say that at least for me it's quite the opposite because here I've met people with whom I've been creating stuff,some others that never stop to amaze and inspire me,and some others more that don't stop renewing my faith in humanity almost everyday (specially last year...sure,it was a bit rough for many reasons,but without said persons it surely would have been a real torture,so in the end it was a good and worthy year,I guess).
So,the only proper thing I can say about all that,well,it's THANK YOU,THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS,ALL AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!
Now,2010 is here.Personally I'm really looking forward to make it really epic and using it to make real a dream or two.
Hope you all come along,because let me tell you,the journey already promises to be quite breathtaking.
Have a Nice Happy Most Awesome Year!