I've been getting some reviews, emails, etc, and I just want to clarify, especially since some of you are rather angry with me -- I do not have the power to lock or unlock Parade of the Sun, because I do not run the
dmhgficexchange. If you want to read it there, you have to join the community due to the story's high rating. You can find out how to become a member
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Also, totally loving how many really awesome writers are signing up. I hope that means someone awesome will fill my prompt. Not that it matters overly much, since my prompt is kinda general, but it would be nice, you know?
...After saying this, if you come up with a story that's less than 5k, I'm going to karate chop you. XD
I haven't seen any hints, but I'VE BEEN DOING THE SAME THING. I keep catching myself spinning off into ideas, and then having to stop to preserve brain abilities, loool. This is why we need our prompts ASAP. I'm hoping they already started the matching.
Agreed! The fact that it's the last one is bringing out a whole lot of people who I don't think would normally attempt it right now. It's going to be pretty awesome! I requested art or fic, so mine will be a surprise all around. Though I don't know if I managed a prompt that was fitting for art, haha.
I don't think I'll do less than 5k words. That seems a little skimpy when I have the kind of word diarrhea that I do. XD TBH my goal is about 20k words. That's what I did last time I participated and that was all good and decent imo.
I think our Advent fics were at least very close in word count, but idr if it was that close. But man did we both break word count. ;P
I intend on sending you random 4 am mails saying "I now average X words a day and I'm on a ROLL and totally not writing an epic here! :D" and then I will wait for your email proclaiming you hit 100k. XD
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