pass the bong, and the apple pie

Dec 25, 2003 17:27

christmas was average, with above average gifts.
a cell phone and some luggage,
which was a good investment.
it will be used right well.

i spent like 300 dollars this year
and whats more insane than that amount,
is that i didn't even blink while spending it.

suck that mother teresa.

so, mitch's family is totally suburban with homemade eggnog from a family recipe, family playing board games and a fireplace. and kristen's is a comedy central special with drunk grandmothers and sparkly godawful presents. and mine is the nice medium.

by nice medium i mean ham, good presents, and my grandma smoking pot on the front porch with her drunk friends while i listen to music and pack my bags for sunday in my bedroom.

sunday is close.
i do not know what to wear.
almost six months and i still worry about my hair.

ps; once i get my phone set up i expect to send and receieve some text messages. ahem!

by the way, i am unamerican and never remember
seeing the movie "a christmas story"
and everyone i tell this to almost dies on spot
with this knowledge, so what the hell is wrong with me?
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