My Lovely DA Hawkes

May 05, 2011 02:36

Art by zweihand She is AMAZING.

Kraise Hawke loves Merrill in a crazy lovey-dovey way. There's hand-holding, sighing, kissing, "No, I love YOU", dating, snuggling, and doing his damndest to restore the Eluvian not just because it'll make his girlfriend happy...

But because he also wants the secrets and why won't anyone see how awesome it's going to be when it's restored?

Kraise Hawke is a blood mage. A non-academic, very much IN practicing blood mage. While he did experience sadness over his Mother's death, he was more pissed off that Quentin hadn't shared his notes or tried to seek him out as a potential apprentice and so after he murdered the man, ransacked his hide out.

He spends many of his days (read: All), tucked away in the Alienage with Merrill either learning and reading about Dalish history, "I could listen to you all day Love.", trying to restore the mirror, "Hawke, stop. I don't think splashing blood on it makes it work. You're just doing to bleed to death.", or studying notes, "I can't read this Merrill... the handwriting is ATROCIOUS".

Below is their story :D

Kraise knew Merrill wasn't a blood mage blood mage and he was sure he could talk Anders around into seeing that one day. It was hilarious because in terms of walking horror, Kraise was a lot worse than Merrill. Alot worse.

He sat with her on the bed, their backs against the wall, studying the notes of a killer. Quentin's notes were dotted with ink, bloody finger prints, and thoughts about the day in between notes about technique. The words, "Milk, maybe, Bread definitely" were right next to a diagram detailing the best cutting technique when skinning a human being.

Merrill snuggled under his arm, reading but not really reading with him. She sometimes had comments like, "Oh...oh that's gross." or "He wasn't a very nice man, was he?" but generally just did the things he loved... like be Merrill and be near him and be... wonderful.

He flipped the paper around, staring at the back when Merrill pointed suddenly.

"Look! He made a doodle!"

Kraise looked, and sure enough, there was a picture of a skeleton with a top hat on the corner of the page. He smiled at her.

"Good eyes Love."

She giggled and he kissed her.

They smiled at each other and Kraise glanced at the notes.

"Maybe it's break time?"

"Oh, are we going to get the things he listed? The milk? Bread?"

"Oh, of course Merrill, definitely bread." he chuckled and tossed the notes, kissing her down onto the bed.

dragon age

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