Yeah, I Hate Anora

Aug 19, 2010 16:14

Sadly, you are the daughter of the evil man who looked the other way while my entire family was killed, Killed the King, tried to kill me multiple times (even that one time I managed to seduce the assassin), tried to sell my people into slavery, and let Howe kill and torture people.

You also never tried to actively stop your daddy in any of these things, so no, you don't win. Not to mention, after we help you, like, we rescued your ass, all you do is give us ultimatums, like you're running shit.

Excuse you honey, I'm saving the world here with my ragtag band of amazingly good looking surrogates... yes Sten, I'm sure you're handsome for a Qunari.

I don't like your face, or your hair, or the tones you use when talking about Alistair. I don't like what you imply and I especially hate you because in Awakenings, you just roll up like shit's not happening and then give me MORE ultimatums. Bitch, are you crazy? You must be crazy.

That's why I killed your Daddy, that's why I'm making Alistair king, that's why if you speak up, I'll make sure we get rid of you too.



not a love game, i'm angry, fuck you, dragon age, oh no they didn't

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