So this past weekend in my class, a student of mine who is 11 years old asked me an interesting question.
Student - "Chris, are you dating anyone?"
Me - "No..."
Student - "Do you like being alone?"
Me - Chris thinks something that he doesn't say outloud
Love is a battlefield. But I still find time to play table tennis. Here's how the weekend looked from the view of a digital eye.
And by the way, why does it seem like ljcuts are going out of style. Use em, suckers.
"The kill zone"
Sir McGacks
This picture looks like waking up from a dream and seeing one of two things, something pretty or scary. hopefully the former.
Our illegal potato peeler from overseas. She dates Brian now though.
So coy
Threw in an extra girl that nobody knows so you'll think better of me. It's actually Larissa Croff's sister(High school anyone?)
This next picture comes with a story. I actually went home for a specific reason of doing something with this kid I grew up with. He told me that he's been trying to do something with me for a real long time and he tries to call me all the time. I kinda gave up on him but really did want to re-establish the friendship, so I thought I would make the effort and drive an hour and 30mins and stay up till 2am or so on a night when I had to get up the next day at 6:30 just to give the whole idea a fighting chance. After securing the hang out time he came over for a total of 20mins and then left and said he would call me later. Plus if I didn't bump into him on the way back into the house we were at, he probably would have slipped out.
Well I got the message Thurston. And to remind me of that message, I made a change in my cell phone
Might be mean, but dang, it will make it easier to decide whether or not to give up a weekend of decent sleep and spending money on gas a lot easier next time.