A place to grow ... (Chapter 28)

Jun 06, 2010 23:38

Author: Everything_Once
Pairing: Katie/Effy, Naomy/Emily and some others ...
Rating: M
Warnings: Swearing and some Book spoilers
Summary:  How to grow up, when you're not really sure that it's what you want ...
Disclaimer: Skins isn't my property, even if I secretly wish so! At the moment I pretty much own nothing ...

LiveJournal: everything-once.livejournal.com/
Twitter: twitter.com/everything_once

Attention : Sorry for my English, I'm French so I'm totally responsible for every mistake ! Help me ... And please review cause I'm totally new at writing and it scares the shit out of me to be really crappy at it !

Read and Review ! ! !

Chapter Twenty-seven

______________________Six years later________________________

***Effy’s thoughts***

“EFF! ! ! What the fuck is taking you so long!!! We’re gonna be late! Again!”

Ah Katie is always so patient ... I enter our bedroom only wearing a towel and still dripping wet.

She’s instantly checking me out, she has always been as horny as a teenager but since she’s pregnant it’s even worse ...

Yep pregnant ! Like in 8 month pregnant ...

“Come here ... Babe you’re such a tease ...”

“Yep! And you’re such a perve ...”

I approach her slowly, but not close enough for her to touch me... I love to tease her ... But i have to admit that i’m quiet turn on me too ... she’s probably the hottest pregnant woman on earth!

“Babe come closer, I need to touch you like now!”

“Nope, you can’t cause ... and i’m quoting you there “We’re gonna be late! Again!”

I’m smiling even if she doesn’t look quite happy with my joke.

I know she’ll forgive it...

“Eff? Are you both coming soon cause everyone’s there now and i want to open my presents!”

“We’re coming Tommy boy, I just put some clothes on and we’re there.”

As soon as he’s far enough of our bedroom Katie approaches me and she whispers to me:

“Ohh yeah you’re gonna come really soon babe...”

Her hands are under the towel even I can even realise it!

Damn this girl is a veritable artist when it comes to her hands ... or tongue ...

“K. We have to go upstairs it’s Tom birthday ...”

“Yeah and considering the amount of present you’ve buy for the kids it will take you a lot of time to get there ...”

“ Well he’s my nephew and she’s my niece it’s normal ...”

“They’re not, you’ll have to marry me first Babe, and like making me a proper girl and everything not just the girl who carry your child ...”

“You wish Katiekins ...”

***Emilie’s thoughts***

“What the fuck are they doing, everyone is waiting! I swear to god that if they’re having sex again I’m kicking them out of this house!”

“Ems calm down, Tom just told me that they’re coming, plus you can’t kick them out because your sister is pregnant and Effy is baby-sitting for us every day ...”

“Well then Effy can stay!”

“Mummy ... I wonna some cake ...”

“I know me too Emma but we have to wait for Katie and Effy. Oki sweetheart?”

“Yep but then i’ll have to piece of cake!”

With that our little angel is running back to the garden were she’s playing with JJ, Lara, Albert and Tom. While Cook is snogging his new girl.


And in front of my kids fucking bastard!

Emma is just like a little version of Ems, always hungry, so nice, always smiling, she’s an amazing kid such as Tom.

We’re really lucky to have them both.

I’m trying to kiss her when I heard loud steps ... definitely Katie ... being pregnant means eating and having sex for her nothing else ... just like Ems actually ...

“Hey bitches we’re there so can we make it pretty quickly cause I can’t stand on my feet really long since i’m pregnant and everything ...”

“Yep, and you’ll rather be on a bed ... with Eff ... fucking perv!”

“Like if you were any better Ems!”

“Ok fitches hands down, kids are waiting for their presents!”

“Eff, No! It’s Tom birthday you doesn’t have to buy something for Emma!”

“Oh yeah WE have too cause first she’s great and deserve it, and two i wanna too...”

Eff is just amazing with kids, she has changed so much since she’s dating Katie, she’s almost someone else now.

But let’s be honest Katie too as changed, they’ve just found each other.

Five minute later we all are in the garden and the kids are opening all the presents they get.

“We’ll need to buy a new house to put all the presents you gave them Eff ...”

“Funny Emsy, well actually Tom since it’s your birthday and you’re a really special boy there is two more for you!”

“Two ... Great! Can I have them now?”

“Yep open this one while Katie is gonna take the second one.”


The present is unwrapped in almost one second ... OH MY GOD ... It’s official the girl is crazy!

“Eff, no...”

Well it looks like Ems is shocked too.


“Good to see you smile Tommy Tom. Come give me a Campbell Hug!”

“Eff, you can’t give him your camera. You love it, and he’s just 11 years old. It’s way too much!”

“Nothing is too much for him. Plus I got a lot of camera now so it’s ok, plus it’s my gift and you’ve pretty much nothing to say about it!”

She’s smiling, and Tom too, so she’s totally forgiven.

Then Emma and Tom are screaming so hard, I’m almost deaf. WHAT THE FUCK!


“Naomy, don’t use bad word in front of them ... plus this one is a present too so you can’t hate me...”

Katie is coming back and a little labs puppy is running toward the kid with a little blue ribbon around his neck.

A dog! A fucking dog! She bought him a fucking dog! I can’t believe it!!!

“Great, thanks Effy! Can i kiss him too or is he just for Tommy?”

“No Emma you can kiss and cuddle with him too but he’s tom dog ok princess?”


Tom and Emma are already playing with him and the others are back chatting.

Katie and Effy are watching the kids, and kissing softly.

“We’re so not keeping it!”

“Oh come on Naoms...I’ve always wanted a dog ... plus he’s so cute... you just wanna kiss him!”

“See, he’s just there since 5 minute and you already like him more than me... so no he’s leaving!”

She approaches me and place one of her hand on my ass and the other one on my thigh and whisper to me in her so sexy husky voice:

“There’s nothing i can love more than you Naoms ... And i promise you that if we keep it you’re not gonna regret it ... it’ll be the best night of your life ... you’ll scream so hard the whole neighbour will hear you!”

She licks my earlobe and then my neck and put her hand a little bit higher on my thigh almost touching my center.

I’m almost breathless ...

“So ... what do you say?”

“Humm ... About ... what ... Ems ... we can’t ... kids ... friends ... stop ...”

“About the dog?”

“YES ...”

Everyone is now looking at me...great!!!

I turn myself to look at Ems, but she’s gone.

She’s with the kids kissing the dog.

Great! It’s official i’ve three kids...

Thanks to those who have reviewed my words and keep doing it even if I’m not really regular in my uploads at the moment!

fanfic, naomily, keffy

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