link bar alignment & subjects missing

Aug 16, 2013 19:35

Name of journal: my_drarry_recs
Layout Style: Smooth Sailing
Basic, Paid or Plus: Plus
Problem you are having: I'm having two problems.

1. I want to change the comments/link bar alignment to the right, but I haven't been able to do this without messing the entire entry content. I tried changing the settlings and everything, but nothing.
2. My subjects seem to be missing from my comments page. They don't show up at all.

If someone can help me, I'd really appreciate it.

/* Cleaned CSS: */
Layout: Nature is Red (In Autumn)
Stylesheet Created By: Amy of Tomorrow Brings (
Style: S2 Smooth Sailing
Works best with: Free & Paid accounts
Browsers: Firefox, Opera and IE
Edited by capitu

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Thanks in advance.


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