Jul 01, 2009 08:07
Alright, so the month of oddities that was June is finally over, and it's been a lifetime since I posted a life-status update. Though I don't think I'm going to do that now, here's some highlights for my time capsule of self.
~ Not working in the field I spent tens of thousands of dollars to learn is aggrivating, especially since the one I'm experienced in is miserable. I did, for what it's worth, get "promoted" to "supervisor" at "work," which is assanine because with or without a new chef and manager, it's still a crap show. I've been there less than 3 months and AM the senority - I know it's the restaurant industry, but seriously? The turn over is insane, especially for such a small place. Put it this way - on a busy night, we have 7 FOH people scheduled (5 servers, a bartender, a host). In almost 3 months, I've seen 14 people leave. There aren't that many on the staff at a given time. And the owner doesn't see a common denominator...
~ Dennis is awesome. Last night we made Steak Diane (with grilled asparagus and potato/corn/cheese hash), popped a bottl'a wine and had dinner in the backyard. It was pretty sweet. It's tough working opposite schedules, though to be fair I have had the last 3 nights off. After dinner we finally went to see the Hangover, which was funny. It could have been funnier if it hadn't been for facebook, showing me that everyone thought it was the best thing ever. I will hand it to them though, they didn't spoil all the funniest parts in the previews like so many do - re: Bruno...
~ I have the Sorrentino/Hache wedding, and my role in it, on my resume, and I say why not? I've literally done more work for this shindig that's in my field than I had through my entire Clear Channel internship, and it's more relevant work too. Designing invitations, crisis management, event planning and team management. One month, 21 days to go!
~ I still have yet to pay off my CCRI debt, and therefore actually have my BS from EC. Maybe if I ever get that unemployment...
~ I'm supposed to be helping my friend Amanda move her stuff from south of the Hill to storage. You can tell it was the plan by the thunder at 7am, and the downpour that persists. Oh New England. If nothing else, maybe I'll get a decent breakfast out of it.
~ Acrylic nails keep me from biting my own.
~ I just watched the 4:20 episode of Family Guy last night, and Quagmire reminds me of me with my cat. I'm rediculous. Whatever.
~ Riding in a Jeep without doors? Fun, especially in the sunshine. Riding in a Jeep without doors at night, when you can't figure out how to turn off the interior lights without putting the doors back on? Weird.
~ Saw Aerosmith with the Dropkick Murphy's on June 16th, and a few days later No Doubt with Paramore. It was awesomeeeee.
~ Sam's Bridal Shower was great, Dennis now has fantasies of starting a catering company. I hope he can do what he loves, and love doing it.
~ This summer, my only plan is that wedding. I hope Dennis and I get our Sunday Fundays back, though we do feel like we might have done everything RI has to offer. If we were to move, we'd want to stay pretty close to the coast, I'd want to get away from bastard snow, but stay away from hurricanes. Is the west coast truly the best coast?
Whatev, something to ponder later. Right now, I'm going to get me some amazing breakfast with a pretty lady in Providence. Maybe, just maybe, I'll tell you how it was. Maybe I'll post again before December. It's a mystery.
I'm soooooo out of practice blogging, way too used to status updates.