Mar 03, 2005 22:05
okay they just walk in right and the first thing my dad says is me and your mother talked. so it turns out that i am not allowed to dirve until i have a job and i dont think that i am allowed to take the test until i have a job and that is all irrelvant because i still wont have a cra but i guess they are figuring that since i have a job i will have money to buy a car...hahaha..what the hell im pissed...
i mena its not like i even like driving. im horrible at it. i hate it. im too scared. My turns are aweful. They barely let me drive now. but i wnat the freedom. I need it. I dont want to take physics either. but they are making me....WTF i hate math..i dont want to take physics. errr i hate shcool. i hate sats. i hate college. i hate driving. i hate having boundries. i need sleep.