May 04, 2004 12:34
Rooms empty, all thats left is my computer and I'm about to tare down my leaves. It's really upsetting. Through all the shit I went through this year I think all in all it was wonderful. Yanick, I loved living with you. I can't wait to get our apartment. You truly are my best friend. I love you my Lil' one. Gina, I thought I was gonna have to hate you, but you turned out to be one of the coolest roommates I could ever ask for. You being here made my stay all that much better. I know we had our dissarements, and I'm sorry for being a shit head alot of the time, but the bad was few and far between and the good memorioes will always be in my head. From playing our music back and forth and dancing like idiots, to listening to the Kenya song 50 times when we were supposed to be sleeping. And the humping, I'm gonna miss that the most. I'll always be your big scary roomate. Aggrrhhh... You know what I'm listening to right now????!?! THE POSTAL SERVICE!!! DAMN YOU GINA!! You better come visit me bitchface. I'm gonna miss you so much. and you know what?? MY MILKSHAKE BRINGS ALL THE BOYS TO THE YARD! Woot-wooT! And Jesse, I don't know if you even read this but if you do, I love you to pieces. I'm gonna miss runnin' downstairs and seeing you everyday, 10 hours a day. You helped me through alot and I can only hope that I have done half of what you've done for me. Who am I gonna hang out with when it's 4 in the 'morn and everyone else is asleep?!?! You are one of the most dedicated photographers I know and I look up to your amazing work habits and your even more amazing personality. I love you man.
To everyone else have a great summer and thank you for all the amazing times I've had here In the New Res.
Stogie, Sturges, and Sarah too..