The nice thing about being kind of self absorbed was that Kate didn't really think about the shit she did affecting people negatively.
She was sure it happened -- hell, she'd tried to burn down the bookshelf -- and she was sure there was at least one person on the island who didn't like her much, but the other nice thing about being self absorbed
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There was a look of mild confusion on her face when Kate stopped her. It was quickly explained away when she realized that Kate had been confused. She wasn't going to call the other girl on it, but rather smiled. "Hey Kate. What's up?
"Yeah, so I totally thought you were Wichita for a second," she admitted, then grinned. "Sorry, I feel like a total ass. So, I'll just own up to that and we can get rid of that weirdness and carry on." Now that she was standing here, actually talking to Ginny, she figured maybe it wouldn't be so hard.
"Ah yeah, I thought so," she admitted with a nod and a wry smile. "Glad you said something otherwise I was going to have to ask and that would have been even weirder." Not that it didn't already have the potential to be painful. Ginny was bound and determined to try to make it less so. "The not-twin thing is a bit complicated unfortunately."
"Besides, Envy. I mean, seriously, she couldn't come up with a better stage name than that?" she asked, smirking faintly.
Laughing Ginny would have to give Kate that one. "Yeah, that's a bit rubbish. I'd go by Joscelind Muckrackle if it was me. Or a better emotion. Envy's just played out."
Now that they were talking, it actually wasn't that weird at all. That was sort of a nice surprise and Kate wondered if she should have tried talking to Ginny ages ago.
"Oh yes. The sort who ends up on the covers of magazines half-dressed and talking about how she wants to be taken seriously a performer." Ginny laughed rolling her eyes at the very thought of it.
Now that they were talking she wasn't focusing on how weird it might've been, but rather on how natural it was. It was much better than the few times she'd tried to have a conversation with Cho. That girl was just a wet blanket.
"Like a video or a magazine," she continued. "That would be super weird and yet I totally want to do it."
She didn't have much to go on besides a name, but sometimes, given the island, that was enough.
It would be a little bit above and beyond the whole 'oh we happen to share a face' level of terrifying. Ginny was certain that it could quite rapidly cross into places where it made no sense what so ever. The revelation that the bookshelf gave Kate what she wanted provoked a raised eyebrow from Ginny. Apparently some people were luckier than she was.
"Maybe you'll get a magazine and then the jukebox will start ruining your life with her music. Which would actually take the cake as far as weird things go. I think."
"Come on, we totally have to go look," she invited. At this point, she figured, if she was going to go with anyone to find this shit, it would have to be Ginny now. They'd spent too much time talking about it for her to ask someone else to look with her. "It'll be totally awesome to make fun of someone with my face, right?"
"It would be," she conceded with a nod. "So let's go have a look. See how long it takes us before we're drowning in this sort of junk. I say less than five minutes."
But it was done now. And she figured maybe it didn't matter anyway. She wanted to make fun of the clone, too.
"Less than five minutes," she agreed, mounting the steps to the Compound door. "That bookshelf is either super nice to me or super mean and I'm pretty sure finding something on this girl would count as both."
Besides it wasn't as if she had thought they were still together. Back home they had broken up, lived their own different versions of the war at hand. He had died, for Christsake. So much had happened. It was just a matter of moving past it.
Turning as well she nodded. "Yeah. I think it's definitely a bit of both. It tends to be straight up horrid to me, but I've come to expect it so it might just end up being nice."
Heading into the rec room, Kate went straight for the bookshelf and began to look over the titles that were there. "So do you think the fact that we look like other people means we're all like... from some kind of work of fiction?" she asked slowly. It was something she'd been thinking about a lot lately, trying to wrap her head around the idea that her whole world, her mother, her father, their problems, it might all be fiction.
"But that video would be a bit impressive. More impressive now that I actually know what a video is." She laughed following Kate over to the bookshelf. Running her hand along the shelf she thought about Kate had said. It was something that had crossed her mind before. How else could she explain the weird looks she sometimes got when she said her name? Or that she looked like a pair of American girls. "It would bloody barmy, but I can't say it would be that much a stretch. I'd sort of hate it though. Kind of a shit story."
Kate had never actually watched the show, but she'd heard about it.
"Oh, here," she said, grabbing a film reel. "Envy Adams, Black Sheep. This totally has to be it." Turning to the projector, she loaded the reel and then turned it on. "Shit, here goes nothing."
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