My primary school song

Aug 13, 2009 16:20

The Maris Stella High School school song

曲:沈光辉 词:梁厚祥

煌煌海星 圣母圣名 炳炳烺烺 永放光明

高悬世海 照彻狮城 指明正路 引导前程

振兴教化 乐育群英 阐扬学术 陶冶性情

励以名节 持以坚贞 勋以道德 动以至诚

勿荒勿怠 精益求精 勤勉忠勇 校训是行

This is my primary school song which I sang daily after reciting the national pledge and singing the national anthem, AND saying the Lord's prayer.

I am from a secular English speaking family. Each day I would go through this ritual during morning assembly without understanding any of it. In fact, I still don't understand the school song.

Thinking back, I'm like ...

OK on second thought, I'm ashamed of  myself. Can someone translate this for me please?
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