Jul 30, 2003 23:14
lol chelsea u deleted me from urs so now u get deleted from mine!!!
meaghan, what can i say? oh wait i know...
you are so fat it makes me sick meaghan, i dont wana talk to you just cause youre so obeese. it sucks cause i have like all my classes with you next year and i was trying to go "dork-free" but i guess thats kind of impossible now with you in the way and all... meaghan calls me ugly and wont even give me the time of day. she spreads rumors and last year she opened up a can of soda in my locker. my books were ruined and i started crying in the hallway and everyone was laughing at me...then meaghan and her friends started bursting out laughing. meaghan said "oh jordan, youre just too ugly to fit in in this school". chelsea then said "yea, sorry jordan i agree" then they walked off laughing while i was on my knees crying while i picked up my books. julia came along and said "aww are you okay" and helped me pick them up. meaghan i wont ever forget about that day.
meaghan you suck.
nah i change my mind. youre cool too but ur still a dork. i mean seriously. major dork. but you are a most excellent dork.