Title: Clumsy Changeling: Chameleon
scribophileFandom: Harry Potter
Character: Nymphadora Tonks
Character’s Age: 5
Word Count: 1,496
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: She’d never learned so much from a visit to the zoo before.
Author's Notes: I tried to keep this in the view of a five-year-old, so please excuse the lack of fancy words & concepts. Oh
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She cracked her Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum, balanced a blue bubble on the tip of her quill, and decided she was underpaid for all the difficult, important decisions she made every day.
Heeheee!!! That's so terrific. She probably is. ;)
She decided that she’d give this Metamorph-something thing a try. It couldn’t be bad, or her parents wouldn’t let her have it.
I adore her rationalizing--it's such a 5-year-old thing to think, there; her parents "letting" her "have" her metamorphmagus powers. =D
And the ending is perfect.
I love how you call her Dora. I love how well-adjusted, smart, sincere and normal she is, despite growing up in a war--you can tell her parents love her and she's kept safe and cared for.
I love it! =D
I'm planning on dealing with her name-change and the war quite a bit more at 10 & 15, but I thought I'd give her at least one (mostly) happy childhood story. And did you know that she's in the same year as Charlie Weasley at Hogwarts? I've decided that that my new rare-pair OTP.
I need to make an icon of Natalie Tena as Tonks now that we finally have an in-costume picture!
Everyone deserves one happy story. But it had enough undertones to it that it wasn't tooth-achey sweet, you know?
And... Charlie/Tonks?! DUDE.
She looked really awesome! =D
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