Back like a heart attack

Jan 06, 2008 22:54

Happy 2008!! Ok fo' realz, I've got to get my stuff together and post a little more frequently. Although at least I'm still posting more frequently than some other *ahem* users who shall remain nameless (and oblivious, since I'm sure they don't read their LJ subscriptions either!)... but anyhow, happy 2008!

I'm back in St. Louis now, and have fallen so quickly into step that it's scary. Suddenly I'm sitting at my desk in work-mode, and it feels just fine. I'd been lounging around at home and in good ol' NC for the past 3 weeks for winter break, and it was just dandy. But people crave change, even if it's the kind that puts you back to work. I couldn't relax forever, and so coming back to school is a sort of relief in itself. If that makes any sense. (It probably only does to neurotic workaholic East Coasters :P)

Anyway, I did just come off a 12 1/2-hr drive so you'll have to excuse me if I'm a bit groggy. And that was actually a faster drive than expected!! Whoo hoo...

law school

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