May 10, 2006 00:51
Cell - Borrowed this from my sister a little while back and just got around to reading it. Not King's best, but certainly his best in a while. Like most King books it kind of falls apart at the end. Still a nice little take on zombie apocalypse and all. They're already in pre-production for the movie, too.
Infinite Crisis - Just finished the last issue of Infinite Crisis. It was a nice read from Identity Crisis, through the Countdown, to the Crisis itself but the last two issues really feel rushed. There's a lot happening and they need far more panels to show it...and more dialogue sometimes. I turned away from Marvel and started reading DC all of a month ago so I don't mind if I don't catch all the little stuff there for the fans or the subtext...but don't make that part of the main plot. Having to go to Wikipedia to figure out just why some things were made to be so important was annoying. Also, DC has the worst supers names ever. Other than those gripes, I enjoyed it.
Ghost Hunters - Some of you may have seen this show on the sci-fi channel as it's in its second season. It rocks. It appeals directly to my complete-skeptic-but-fervent-lover-of-all-things-supernatural gene. Sure the 'soap opera' of it gets old sometimes, but it keeps it interesting when they don't find anything. And they have caught some interesting stuff. Who knows if it's real or not but it sure is interesting.
Hordes - Almost finished the rulebook and I'm still impressed. Also still deciding what army to go with. I'm completely sold on Legion's fluff, The Circle appeals to my love of tree-hugging hippie armies (Yes, I used to play Wood Elves), and the Trollkin seduce me with their sheer toughness and awesome dire trolls. Oh, and I still don't care at all for the Skorne. Their sculpts and paint jobs remind me an awful lot of some of the Zhykee from VOR and that bugs me. I don't know. I'm in no rush to decide though.
No Quarter - Not having picked up many gaming magazines lately since I've quit reading Dungeon and virtually all video game magazines, I picked up a few issues of No Quarter and was instantly impressed. It reminds me of White Dwarf before it started sucking. It also reminds me of how much I love the Iron Kingdoms which I still consider to be 90% the setting I wish I'd come up with / 10% dumb shit.
Last Weekend - I've been meaning to post some pics of the festiivities last weekend, but haven't had a chance. I'm going to have to do that.