Jun 07, 2005 08:57
Today is my offcial birthday. I am now 17 years old. Which means I can go into rated R movies all by myself. My nearest and dearests threw me a suprise birthday party on Saturday. It was super, I had no idea. I can home thinking I had to clean and do chores, but then found streamers and lots of food and people. Yay! It was great. Most of them spent the night, and then the last of them left at 4:30pm the next day. I had a blast, my first suprise birthday party. Thanks everyone.
I got my car back last night, so I drove to school. Yay! The fender in now dark green and the rest of the car in rusty-brown. It looks beautiful. I put five more bumper stickers on it. But I can't hang the crystal I got until I put my rear-veiw-miror back on. It kind of feel off. STUPID PEDRO! Ya, for those of you who don't know. I got in a reck last Thursday, after having my car foe only three days. My bumper got pulled of by "Pedro the U-haul" driver. Ugg... But its ok, because I have in back now. And it has a name too. Thursday after Tnoy helped my duct tape my bumper on adrive back we named it "The Black Night". Because it gets parts pulled off and is still alive, just like from Monty Python. Even though it has no black on it. Yay! Lets just hope it survives next Thursday. Long live 'The Black Night'.