[ mood |
Ecstatic ]
[ music | Christmas Waltz-Clay ]
OMFG!! Wow I'm so sorry i didn't update last night but i couldn't!! but let me tell you, this will be an amazing update!!! i'll put cuts for the days except for monday!
DECEMBER 20, 2004- THE BEST day of my life!
Supposed to leave at 7, didn't leave until 2. lol we just drove all day and when we were in milwaukee i freaked out cause i'm like, "Omg i'm in amanda territory kind of" and that made me happy.
we got to chicago around 9, my parents went for dinner, i sat in the window and watched traffic!! i really love the city! then at like 11:30 we went for a walk in the FREEZING cold winds, just so i could see the chicago theatre sign lit up saying "Clay Aiken Dec. 20 SOLD OUT!" took pics!! yay and that's saturday
Went shoppin at this huge mall! yeah, 3 floors!! didn't buy that much, but i did get clay a chicago snow globe and nick and jerome chicago magnets. we met up with my aunt and she got me the book, lol, so i have like 7 of them, but that gave me to so kristy can get one now!! after we just went back to the hotel, i wrote my letters to clay, nick, and jerome, watched the clay dvd, and went to bed!!!
So with 2 hours of sleep, i get up at 3 am and put on my 10 layers of clothes and make the 6 block walk with my parents up to borders. It actually wasn't that bad out, it was just SOOOOO cold! When we got there at about 5 am, i was # 92 in line. my dad left us there and it began. we were in line with this old lady and these group of girls and then these other girls, who turned out to later be my BFF's of the day! So for 3 hours, we all sat around, made a few McDonald's runs and that was it.
Around 7ish, Clay's bus pulls up to the theater, which was across the street, and so this guy from gb and i run over there, almost getting hit by a car, and go stand by clay's bus! i took a pic. obviously clay wasn't with them, but i saw S'von!!
then we saw the line moving so we ran across back to borders!
At 8, they decided to let us in, the first 300 people got red tickets, guaranteing u a spot to meet clay, and the second 300 got yellow tickets, meaning u would wait but there was no guarantee. aparently there were over 1000 people there, so they had to turn down a lot. But I got a RED TICKET!! Guaranteeing me a spot to meet CLAY AIKEN!
So we got in line on the third floor at sat down, cause we had another 4 and a half hours until clay. so that's when i became close to karin, tori, and caroline. Karin is almost 21 and she lives in St. Paul, but goes to school in Eau Clare. Tori is her friend from St. Paul who's 23. And Caroline is 17 and lives in Washington, the state! lol they were so nice. We played cards and chatted and had a great time with all the people around us! I've never been so happy, to get to sit in a room with 599 other claymates who don't question you about clay, cause they're the same as you are. So Karin and i decide to go buy some magazines, i wanted popstar cause i knew there was a clay poster in it. So i get up and look over at Clay's signing table, and holy crap, there's Jerome! I start freaking out! so i go downstairs, buy the magazine, and the guy working was asking me about clay. karin was over farther but she said she could tell we were talking about clay cause i was smiling huge!
Ok I'm shaking typing about this!!
So later i decide to go downstairs and look for another magazine. i see my dad come and he meets me downstairs, where low and behold, there's jerome!! apparently a girl got so excited to see him that she threw up! lol....
So then we sit around more, they announce that we can get 3 things signed instead of 2, so my mom and i each had 2 books, and the audio cd. ok one of the books my mom had, i accedently wrinkled it, that's important soon!
So Clay's supposed to be there at noon, but he's not! So the lady behind me had a boom box, so she put in MCWL and we all sang Christmas carols for a while. around 12:30, my life changed.....
The elevator opens and out walks Clay, Nick, Jerome, Mary, and other security!!
I start balling my eyes out when I see Clay, cause, you know i can't even explain why..... when i see nick, i freak out cause i love nick!! so by that time i was in my i love clay and nick shirt!! hehe. so the line is moving!!
OMG Clay was wearing his glasses and this amazing green sweater that matched his eyes! and his hair was all flat! but it was adorable
So I get closer and I give the gifts and all the letters to the guy who had the box for all the gifts and stuff for them!
When I'm a few people from Clay we give our stuff to the lady who gives it to Clay. So Karin, Tori, and Caroline go, and then it's my turn.........
I walk up to the table and Clay's like, "Hey darlin *omfg* what's your name?" it took me a minute to answer, because I forgot it. then he asked me where i was from, forgot that for a minute too. then i saw nick looking at me. So I'm like, "Nick I have to show you my shirt!" So he looks at it and he gets excited, Clay looks up from signing my stuff, and is like, "Wait a minute," he practically lays across the table to reach my shirt and trys to scratch off the "and nick" part with his clicky sharpie!! yeah, there's marks there from it! so Nick and Clay start fighting about which part of my shirt is cooler, lol! i was trying to breathe, and Jerome was laughing at me! So then Clay hands me my stuff and sticks his hand out to shake mine, omg! i've never been prouder to be wearing my wwjd bracelet for a year and a half STRAIGHT, cause his was like an inch away from mine! his hand was soft and warm!! it was amazing!
when you look at pictures, it seems like you're making eye contact with them, but when you're inches away from Clay and he's holding eye contact with you and smiling at you, that's the best feeling in the world!!!
So I walk away from the table and this lady's like "Clay spent a lot more time with you then anyone else!" yay!
so then i turn around to see Clay signing my mom's books and he gets to the one that i wrinkled, and he's like
C-"looks like you were rough with my book"
mom-"amanda was rough with it"
c-"amanda's in trouble"
omfg! clay said i was in trouble!
so we walk away and i'm crying my eyes out!! i couldn't talk i was crying so hard, i met ClAY AIKEN! i was such a wreck!!
so then we leave, hotel, dinner, then the concert!!!
So i see Nick walking around for a while, love him!!
So this kid comes out and sings "Hark the Herald...." was pretty good
then Clay comes out and sings "The Music of Christmas", it was amazing!
then "Sleigh Ride" the arrangement was fast but Clay did a little dance and it was adorable!
then "HYAMLC", awesome!!
"Christmas Song", yay!
"Winter Wonderland" another yay
"Silver Bells" with Quiana,good
"Christmas Waltz", i'm too busy freaking out who's he gonna dance with during the next song cause he was definately coming down the center aisle, which i happened to be on!
then during "WAYDNYE" he was such a tease! he sings all slowly and flirty! AHHHH!
he doesn't come to me, but he runs past me after the song with jerome and nick! i've never seen Clay run before, it wa so cute, and he was like an inch from me!
So then Jacob sang his song! It was so beautiful! he sand "Sending You A Little Christmas"
then clay comes back with "MCWL" i cry through the whole thing!!
i go meet up with tori, karin, and caroline....and i had to meet Nick! it was my goal for the night
so we walk down the aisle, them pushing me cause i was so nervous, and we go up to him and he's signing other autographs and he is asking them why they want his autograph, and he turns to me and so remembered me from the signing, cause he's like, "you had that cool shirt, so i'm not gonna ask you"
so then it's just me left, he signed my program and was telling me all these stories about him and clay!
i was getting the inside scoop and clay!! omfg! it was so cool! then he gave me a huge hug, he smelled sooooooooo good!
so then i go back to my seat shaking so bad!
The second half was amazing, i would of cried more but i was shaking too much
he did
O Holy Night
Silent Night
Hark the Herald/Oh Come All Ye
The First Noel
Mary did you know, so much passion!!!
Angela sang "Jesus born on this day"
Quiana sang "My Grown Up Christmas List"
Ill be home for Christmas
ok that song was wow!! he like stopped in the middle of the glory note so i got scared, but then he belted out this amazing note!! i cried!!
then Good News for an encore, never have heard Clay sing so high!!
it was amazing!
so yeah the concert was awesome! we couldn't take pics but that was ok cause it was wow!! we were 25th row center and we had an AMAZING view! Clay played the piano for us, haha it was great! and at this one point, he told this lady in the front row that she had to catch him if he fell, cause front row was like ON the stage. hehe then everyone screamed and Clay looks up to the balcony and is like "why are you screaming?? i'm not gonna fall up there!" haha it was so adorable!
I was kinda sad that i didn't get to meet up with therese though.....
after met up with the girls and ran to the busses! waited for 2 hours in the cold!!
jacob came out a few times, came to the middle of the huge crowd and hugged everyone at the same time! lol, he was so cute! got pics of s'von, jacob, and angela, and of course nick, clay, and jerome!! when nick came out i yelled "i love you nick" he looks at me and points to me and waves!! he was so nice to me!!
Ok Nick loves me!! lol, he said i was his fave though, cause im like the only one who seems to know who he is and show it!
so when clay came out, he was all bundled up and he went right on his bus, but then he waved, looking so hott!!!!!
then we all left, went back slept!!
depressed, hadn't eaten for 3 days, drove all day! i felt so much better when i heard from amanda!!
and that's that!!
it only took an hour! and i have to go
but i met clay aiken for 2 seconds, the best 2 seconds of my life! and i met Nick!! OMG IT WAS AMAZING!!
I'll post pics asap!
thanks Kristy for updating and everyone else for being happy for me!