I'm still in awww....

Jul 29, 2005 17:49

Every girl dreams of having a "party" for her birthday. Friends gathered around, eating cake, talking and giggling until the wee hours of the morning. The whole shing-ding. I've had many great birthday "things" that had been great. However, never in my wildest dreams did I dream about a birthday that would have been THIS good. My 18th one as well.

I slept with my windows open, feeling the cool breeze flow in the whole night. No one ever sleeps real good the night before their big day, even if nothing "special" is planned. Flip and flopping through the whole night, dreading waking up for babysitting. 6:17 am. Phone vibrates then starts singing to me. Usually I would moan and groan, throw my phone off the bed and roll over to continue my sleep. (sometimes.) Not today though, Chad. Who else would call me at 6:17, the exact time I was born 18 years ago. "Happpy Birthday... today is YOUR day. 18 years old, Kristin." It sounded extremely wierd hearing it and realizing "it's today." Half asleep I slightly began to realized that I'm not a kid anymore. Everything from this point on sticks with me for. ev. er. Thankful for my call, I tried to fall back alseep but never really slept.

Then another call. 7:35. Kelly Jean Priebe. On her way to summa school, "Happy Birthday, I thought I would wait until after school but figured what the hell." Gotta love it. Had another little groggy chat. Fell back to "sleep" for 20 more minutes and heard my alarm going. Time for an exciting day of babysitting at the Jones's. Woonnnderful.

Walked downstairs to find a few presents and breakfast left to me by my big working brother. My mom also pulled "I'm sorry, but you don't get the truck today because grandpa is golfing and grandma needs to go to her doctor appointment, I have to take her." Trying to keep my cool, thinking my poor grandma has to go to the doctor, I just sorta brushed it off but still bothered. I planned on taking the kids to lunch and mini golf. Nope. I hadda say, Grandpa usually would NEVER miss an appointment with grams. And especially for golf. HMmm, oh well.

Kinda crabby, got a nice ride with Pops to babysitting. Kristin is not a morning person by any means, if you don't already know that. Pretending not to be angry at all, I had to be in a happy mood, who wants a cranky birthday girl??

The day of babysitting went verrrry slow. Much slower than I had even antisipated. Received a call from my girl Sar saying she couldn't make dinner due to work. Who wants to hear that their friend of 11 years can't come to their birthday dinner? I forgave her, not to say we wouldn't miss her. We would have plenty of time later on. I took the kids to Wagner to see Aud coaching tennis. Got a little birthday shoutout from the tennis girls and played at the park. Oh yeah, can't forget I saw Mr. Staus and Bryce. What a cutie. Bryce that is. Anyways, Mom picked me up at 4:30 and I sped home to shower and get ready for the REAL start of my birthday. A night with "the girls." OR so I thought.

Scrubbing my hair with shaking hands, in such a hurry to try not to be late for dinner, couldn't have possibly moved any faster. Blew dry my hair, straightened it, and finally was ready to put on my Birthday outfit. I applied some eye shadow, mascara, all that stuff. Hands still shaking might I add. Making sure not to forget anything I headed downstairs. Said hello to brother, and began a night my friends had planned for oh so long, but I had absolutely no idea of what was all to come.

Picked my girl Mel up. And sped to Holly's. Jumped in the Expedition, got thrown here and there from the lil one's lack of experience in big trucks. Not a biggie, we had fun. A little wait at the Olive Garden was expected; we enjoyed some drinks and opened my presents from the girls. Man were they good to me. I am not going to sit here and name everything but I loved each and every gift. Clah's personalized CD's (nothing like c's mixes, they're the best), Jen/Sar's "mom" purse for me which is oh-so-cute, Hol's pic frame, Mel's own gift certificate for me, Aud's photo album. Man. I'm a lucky girl. :)

We were sat at OUR table. The big round one which gets beat up every time we visit. Ordering the minute we sat down, I wondered why everyone was in a such a hurry. Ehh, go figure, we're hungry girls. Didn't think anything of it. Chowed down, payed (thanks again chickas), and were out.

"I need my car." ... "I need to change." ... "Stopping home to get my toothbrush." ... Geeez. Domack and I jumped back in the Navy and stopped to get her sleeping stuff and said hello to Daddy D. I didn't even realize it, but I guess for once in my life I drove the speed limit the whole way from the Domack's to the Bushweiler's. When does Kristin EVER drive the speed limit? hmm, don't ask me. Mel sped downstairs when we walked in my house, I talked to mom/dad and decided to join the girls sitting oh so pleasantly watching tv.

Taking my time, walked down my stairs, and went to sit on the couch. I had another thought coming. I first saw Adam walk out of the guest bedroom. HUGE smile on his face. "SURPRISE!!" I coudln't really even name the order of people after Adam. But, EVERYONE. Just Everyone. I saw Sam/Malt, Kevin/Evan/Michael (yay for Pewaukee), And of course all the Brookfielders. Later I was told I put my hands to my face, feet shook, and the shaking moved their way up. Hate to look at the video my mom recorded. Quickly, the details from the day - mom needing a car (to run to sam's to get my snacks, grandpa would NOT miss an appointment), the girls hurrying me home at a specific time, mel stalling at her house, it all made sense. I hugged everyone, but the whole thing is still a blur. I can't grasp the whole thing yet.

Chad began his bartending career last night. Stayed behind the bar the whole night. Hat and all. Whenever asked if I needed something and replied "no," I was condsidered a "bad customer". Beginning to make my rounds, seeing who was all really there, I sat down to chat with my Bfield girls and open their gift. Getting about half way, AJ and Perry came to pull me aside in the guest bedroom. A present to be opened not-around-parents. Oh golly. Peter Pecker. What a guy. What a dick! 12 inches. Yeaah, halarious. Perry generously blew him up for me. He had many visitors but then was moved to keep an eye on the party from the basement corner. Some noticed he was there, others didn't notice (dunno how not), others saw him but pretended not to. I forgot he was chillen at the party until Justin arrived home. "Kristin, over there is something you prolly don't want sitting out when mom and dad are home." haha, true, but not like my parents would mind. Justin picked up Petah to carry him into the screened in pourch where he remained for the rest of the evening. Pops took a peek in the pourch, but walked out just shaking his head. Not saying a word. That's about all you can do. My mom didn't meet Peter until this morning; no intimidation from Deb, she picked him up, said "hmm this is interesting, you better get whoever got you this back pretty good." Oh, and I will mother. :) Just you wait boys!

The night continuted, visitors coming now and then. Rob, Pat, Kristopher made an appearance. Kyle O stopped in for about 5 minutes. Becca Hubbard! Man, what a girl. Dave Matthews Band played for the majority of the evening, featuring Alphine Valley '05. Courtesy of Spitz! Guests mingled, chowed down on the snacks/cake, some even stepped up to the plate and played Peter's ring toss. As I sat and talked with my pals I kept reminding myself "it's your 18th birthday. your friends had a surprise party for you." It never really sunk. No drama was in the room at all. No sort of tension. Everybody was friends. Even if you were from Pewaukee, or Brookfield. Going to college, or still in high school.

Before I knew it, people started heading out. Receiving a birthday hug from everyone before they left, I tried to let them know how thankful I am for each and every one of them. I still don't think they know how much I appreciated everything, or just them being at my house. Being a part of my special day. The start of my adulthood. Wow. I am tremedously grateful for each and every person who was at my house on the night of July 28, 2005. Even if I didn't talk to you as much as I should have, you made it a night I will never, ever forget. A night that any little girl would dream of having for not only any birthday, but their eighteenth one of all. A night I was sad to see go. You do not know how appreciative I am for those who planned this night and those of you who decided to come. To many of you, it was just another summer night out or just another birthday party for a friend. But to me, it was a birthday that will always stick with me, even when I'm 80 years old. Friends which no one can ever be greater than. The future 7/28's are going to be hard to live up to this one. Once again to all my friends, thank you SOOOO incredidbly much for being a part of my 18th. I love you all with my entire heart.
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