(no subject)

Dec 23, 2007 18:29

Yep. 2007 is almost over and I realized I haven't written in here in a long time. Mostly due to the fact my dell laptop finally broke on me, and I went months with only using my sister's for a few minutes a day. But now I have an awesome Apple Laptop! I was kinda unsure about the apple and thought it would be hard to get used to, but NO it's great!

Oh well anyyyyways what have I been up to this year??
Well first off In March I moved to North Carolina to live with my sister. It's been the best and worst thats ever happened to me. At this point in time I'm still kinda unsure that this is where I want to be, but I keep telling my self to at least wait until March and then revaluate everything, and go from there.

Finding a job here was easy. I work at a Medical Review office. We basically handle paperwork for drug tests. It's ok not the greatest, but its like 3 miles away and it's mon-fri. Then sometimes on the weekend I Dog Walk. Which honestly is super easy money. But it suchhhh a hassle.
About 3 weeks after I moved here I was in an car accident. That became the end of the Blazer (yessss!) so I ended up getting a 2001 Honda Civic. Totally the same exact car I had brand new in 2001. haha oh well.

As far as relationships I met a guy right when I first got here. I thought it was something that would turn into something great. But I was wrong. He ended being a total douche bag, and was wayy immature. So one day he just decided he didn't want to be in a relationship with me and that was that. I haven't seen or heard from him since. At first it sucked. Then the next weekend I went home to Maine, and forgot all about him.
Now I am dating a really great guy. We've been hanging out together since Sept. but officially dating for almost 2 months. I am really happy with how it is going at this point!

I still have my dog, Congo. Who will be two in January! I can't believe that it's been a year and half since I got him in Baltimore! He is truly a Momma's dog, and the love of my life. I swear he can tell if I am sad or sick, and will just cuddle up next me.

I guess that is pretty much it. This year has gone by so fast! I'm sure a lot more happened, but oh well this is enough for today. Maybe I'll think of something later.

ok well here is a couple pictures of Congo!

and here's a picture of Me from a couple months ago!

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