Soo many exciting things are going on right now!! I've been soo busy lately. I just need a vacation. I was actually looking so foward to going to Florida next month, but now I won't be able to go because of my work. Booo. So I'm thinking that in April I'll drive to North Carolina to visit my sister and her boyfriend at their new apartment. I want to bring Mia too, but we'll see.
Sooo the most awesome thing is going to happen to Bill and I. All I want to do is tell everyone about it, buuttt I don't want to jinx it soo I'm going to have to wait a bit for it, but for now I'm just really excited about it, and can't wait until it actually happens.
Ohh so monday I had to go get a credit report done on my credit, and Well I KICK FUCKING ASS, my score is 659!!! which is a pretty good score in itself, but its really really good for a person my age. yep so that rules.
ok so here are some pictures of Mia!