photos by Vardi Kahana

Nov 07, 2014 14:42

My mother Rivka and my children Gil and Roni, 2003

Под катом несколько десятков черно-белых снимков из документального фотопроекта под названием "One Family" израильтянки Варди Каханы, которая начиная с 1992 года создает пронзительные портреты своих ближайших родственников.

Three Brothers, Tel Aviv, 1992. My father Aharon Kahana with his two brothers, Moshe and Yehezkel

The Grandchildren of Cousin Hannan, Kiryat Sefer, Modi'in Ilit, 2005

My son Gil in the pool, Herzliya, 2005

The Barak Family, Petach Tikva, 1993 My Cousin Libi with her husband Naftali and their ten children: Yair, Asher, Hagit, Tehila, David, Netanel, Hillel, Shilo, Rachel, and Yinon

David, Aluma, and Roee, three of cousin Yonina's children, Ma'aleh Michmassh, West Bank, 2004

Cousin Rina with her daughters, Groningen, Netherlands, 2004

Cousin Yaki and his wife Tzofit, Susya, West Bank, 2004

My daughter Roni, Ramat Hasharon, 2004

Cousin Yonina and her daughter Neta, 2003

Jonathan and Merav, my brother Zvika's children, Herzliya, 2004

Cousin Libi and her husband Naftali, 2002 Libi holding a photograph of their firstborn son, Yair, who was killed in Lebanon in 1995

The Grandchildren of Cousin Hannan, Kiryat Sefer, Modi'in Ilit, 2005

Neta, cousin Yonina's daughter, and her husband Elad, Nofei Prat, West Bank 2003

Yael, my cousin Erela's daughter, with her husband Eldar and their children Hadas, Ofer and Amit, Kibbutz Cabri, 2007

Yael, cousin Nathan's daughter, with her husband, Malachi, and their firstborn son Gur Arie Yehuda, Safed, 2007

Or and Amir, my brother Avi's daughters, 2004

Yarden and Naama, cousin Motke's daughters, Ramat Gan, 2004

Bat-Zion, Cousin Eta's daughter, with her husband Yossi and their children Shlomo-Yitzhak and Neri, Hebron, West Bank,2004

My children Gil and Roni, Ramat Hasharon 2004

Yizhar, cousin Yonina's son, and his wife Ella, Ma'aleh Michmash, West Bank, 2004

Aunt Miriam, Kibbutz Lehavot Habashan, 2007 My aunt is standing next to the place where her husband, Ya'acov, my father's brother, was killed in 1948 while guarding the kibbutz

Malki, cousin Yaki's daughter, with her daughter Shira, Gaza Beach, 2005

Three Sisters, Tel Aviv, 1992. My mother, Rivka Kahana, with her two sisters, Leah and Esther

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