WoW Account Fo' Sale

Feb 09, 2010 10:55

I have been the original account owner for over four years, pretty much since the release of WoW. This account is a severe labor of love from a hardcore addict and raider.... only some of the best will be able to appreciate the hard work in all of these characters. Im looking to sell as soon as possible, asking $1,500 *or best offer* for the entire account and all CD keys. This account has never been compromised and does NOT have an authenticator. There are more details than listed below that I would happily discuss with you but this is the jist.

Bank alt: two tab bank with Approx 20,000 gold and misc materials for leveling professions.
Has a stack of BoA gear, trinkets, weapons and all forms of armor.

These are all Alliance, have never race or faction changed. All are available for transfer.

lvl 80 night elf Restoration Druid: (main)
- Full ICC gear and heroic ToGC 25, this is top of the line gear, including the LEGENDARY healing mace from Ulduar (Hammer of the Ancients)
- Dual speced Tank, has full ToC/ICC Moonkin and Feral sets.
- Full Restoration PvP set
- Has over 25 titles including, Grand Crusader (realm first ToGC clear), Astral Walker and Hand of Adal.
- Over 50 mounts, has four 310 mounts (Ironbound, Rusted, Plagued and Purple proto-drakes)
- Has Amani War Bear
- Maxed Leatherworking and Alchemy
- Over 8k achievement points, nearly all exalted reputations.
- Ranked with some of the top druids in the world for Gearscore and HPS (worldoflogs).

lvl 80 dreanei Restoration Shaman:
- Full ICC and heroic ToGC gear. For an alt, this is extremely geared and only lacks a good second trinket.
- Dual speced Elemental with a full hitcapped gear set
- Full PvP set
- Multiple titles including The Undying, Of the Nightfall and Bloodsail Admiral.
- Has a 310 mount (plagued)
- Maxed Enchanting and Herbalism

lvl 80 night elf Feral (tank) Druid: YES! A SECOND DRUID!
- FULL ICC and heroic ToGC gear (around 53k buffed HP in bear)
- Dual speced cat, has full cat and Restoration sets
- No titles (rofl!)
- Has Epic flight form
- Maxed Herbalism and an empty profession

lvl 80 human Disc Priest:
- Full Ulduar and ToC gear (least geared, but still decent)
- Dual speced Holy, has full holy and Shadow Sets
- No titles (rofl again)
- Has epic flying and one 310 mount (Rusted)
- Maxed Jewelcrafting and Inscription

lvl 80 human Protection Paladin:
- Full ICC and Badge geared (for being 80 about a month, she is geared to the teeth)
- Dual speced Holy with a full holy and ret set (holy set is hot)
- No titles
- Has Epic flying, including epic white gryphon
- Mining and Engineering

lvl 72 draenei Protection Warrior: (on a different server than all those above)
- half Black Temple geared and half BoA gear
- Regular Flying
- Herbalism and empty profession

lvl 71 night elf Hunter: (Pre-BC Main) (on a different server than those above)
- Full Black Temple / Hyjal / TK geared
- Has Epic flying including Netherdrake
- Has multiple titles including Hand of Adal
- Herbalism and Engineering

A few other misc alts not worth mentioning due to their low levels.

Please, drop me an email so we can discuss further details.
You will not find that many accounts with this much love into it.
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