It only took me a few years, but I finally beat all three Prince of Persia games within the Sands of Time storyline. It was that damned second game that held me up. I'd like to drop a nuke on the Island of Time. Since I had deviated from the timeline (gah, I've been playing this freaking game for too long) and beat the third game before the second, all the "surprise" revelations in the second game turned out to be pretty blasé, and considering that you turn into a kind of "dark Prince" in the second game (the sand wraith, or whatever), the whole idea of the good prince/dark prince in the third game doesn't seem like such a great story arc at all. It's a good thing I beat the third game before I beat the second one, even if my last memory from this series is now the Prince and Kaileena getting it on in that schooner while Babylon burns to the ground (yeah, they give that away in the second game, too). I would imagine that after years of outrunning the Dahaka, barely eating and sleeping, one would be a bit frustrated, especially when you're stuck on an island with a bunch of scantily clad chicks who want to rape and kill you, but that climactic finish could have been left to the imagination. At least they kept their clothes on. Now, I need to read a Bible or something.
or something.