Round 13 - Rules and Info

Nov 10, 2011 09:53


- You must be signed up to participate in round 13! You must be a member of this comm to get posting access!
- The round will close on November 30 midnight (whenever it is midnight in ur timezone!)
- Icons should be no more than 40kb, 100x100px, not animated, PG-13 at most, new and made specifically for this challenge and of course they should be made by you!
- Icons can be posted here or linked to at a journal/community of your choice. Posts must remain public until the round ends.
- Please use the icon table at the end of this post for posting ur icons. U can change colors and fonts though.
- Post with 3 teaser icons (no more, no less).
- Icons must fit your claim.
- Please tag your entries like this: round 13, topic: action/horror/scifi movies, user: your username.
- If u would like a participation banner, please say so in your post to this community.
- Please try and comment on each other's posts.

Participants and their claims

The following people on this list have posting access for this round.


1. Scared
2. Fight
3. Accessory
4. Protagonist
5. Antagonist
6. Weird
7. Far Away
8. Stock Image
9. Opening Scene
10. Contrary emotions Make an icon of a screencap and text that shows a particular emotion but the text says differently, for example make a screencap of someone who is sad and write "happy" on ur icon.


Aaaand Action!

Make 5 icons of 5 consecutive scenes in the most exciting part of the movie.

Artist's Choice

Create 5 icons of your choice. Anything you want, as long as it fits your claim!

Here's the table. Copy it all and enter the links to your icons :)


scared fight accessory protagonist antagonist
weird far away stock image opening scene contrary emotions

5 CATEGORY - Aaaand Action!

cat 1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5


Artist's Choice #1Artist's Choice #2Artist's Choice #3Artist's Choice #4Artist's Choice #5

A tip for working with the table: before you post your table, go to the 'html' part of the entry. Delete any empty lines in the table and hit post (DON'T go back to rich text, as that will screw up your table)

If u've got any questions, please don't hesitate to pm either me or youd_bsurprised or leave a comment on this post and we'll get back to u asap!

round 13, info, mod post