Feb 16, 2005 01:42
I actually ended up buying less than I thought I would but I have bought the following.
Open Range on DVD
The Tibetan Freedom Concert 3 Disc DVD
And tommorow, after comics, Buffy Season 3(My favourite season of Buffy!)
I'm happy with what I ended up with and I love it all. I'm glad I splurged but my savings account isn't. After Calpurnia and then this I'm not doing so hot overall... but whatever. I'm living at home at the moment and trying to find a, y'know, real job. Something that I could make money at and be able to get out of my house with(Which would be awesome if it could work out with Malorie as well) and start feeling like I'm not a failure at the age of 18, which is seriously fucked up. I mean honestly... I have to wait until I'm at least 20 to be a real failure.
Anyway, there's also been a desire to punch things from Valentine's Day but this is expected. I watched High Fidelty and Gilmore Girls and, essentially, everything romantic I proceeded to Juxtapose to my life in some way. The things I couldn't do, need to do, shouldn't have done or whatever. Which is, naturally, not a fun thing. but it's nothing serious and horrible or that will plague this journal like usual. Just a small twinge on the radar.
Also, ... No I think that's it. Lata.
I should be writing.