Nov 01, 2008 23:07
Hi, all!
The Mang Baguio Fund is now open for business! A big round of applause for Karla Fider-Santos, Angie Talavera-Bautista, and Cecile Ranada-Borromeo, all from Batch '94! :)
Account name: Teofilo Baguio
Account number: 0661159183
Account Type: Peso savings
Bank and branch: BDO, Head Office Branch
Address: ADB Avenue, Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City
For our big Christmas surprise, deposits will be accepted from NOVEMBER 1, 2008 until DECEMBER 20, 2008. Just think, since today we have 1,400++ members... if each of us gave at least PhP1,000... Mang Baguio would have more than a MILLION PESOS! Wouldn't that be a great gift to give the man, the legend, the one and only Mang Bags? :)
When you have made a deposit, please email Cecile (ZOCONA@GMAIL.COM) THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:
1) Full Name (please include maiden and last name, if married)
2) Batch
3) Location (Manila, London, New York, etc)
We will be putting all the names and info on a list which will be included in a Christmas card that will be presented to him after December 20th.
The account was opened by Karla Fider-Santos Batch 1994 who works at Banco De Oro. Angie Talavera-Bautista is currently a teacher in Poveda and coordinated the setting up of the account.
THE FUND/ACCOUNT WILL BE A SURPRISE FOR MANG BAGUIO. We hope to keep it that way until Christmas. No withdrawals are allowed from the account, ONLY deposits, until it is endorsed by Mang Baguio himself.
TO ALL POVEDANS ABROAD: Karla Fider Santos is still coordinating the money transfer tie-ups. More info to come on depositing fom abroad.
Again this fund is simply to show our appreciation for Mang Baguio, and not to wait until he is in dire need of assistance for any reason.
We appreciate the support and the many suggestions, but as we mentioned, we are trying to keep this fund as simple and straightforward as possible. Thank you to Karla, Angie and Cecile for their time and effort!
NOTE: No amounts will be included in the list of names, only the information required.
For any questions or comments, please email Cecile Ranada-Borromeo at ZOCONA@GMAIL.COM
***** When sharing the bank account with other Povedans, particularly those not in Facebook, please make sure to include the deadline information as well as where to email their information so that everyone who donates will be acknowledged. Thanks all, let's get this great thing rolling! :)