its been awhile...

Jun 27, 2006 02:44

Wow it sure has been awhile since I've updated. My life was a little boring for awhile and I never really had anything interesting to update about. But considering it has been a long time, I'm sure I have something interesting to talk about.

Finally graduated. I can't believe it. I never thought I would make it this far. It hasn't really hit me yet. I just feel like I'm on summer vaction, which obviously we are, but when school starts back up it will really kick in that I'm no longer a high school student. I'm happy and yet sad that high school is over. I'll miss school in general and seeing everyone everyday, but at the same time I'm happy to be away from all the drama and immature people. I don't know, I guess I'll see how I really feel when college starts up.

My mom wants me to move back in with her now that schools over. I wouldn't mind living with her and her boyfriend, but it's just way too far away. About 2 weeks ago I stayed with her for a week and I hated it so much, I was just so far away from everyone. I also hate the drive. It's about a half hour to 45 mins, depending on traffic and stuff. There's no way I could do that everyday, I hate driving. As much as me and my dad don't get along, I'm REALLY considering moving in with him. I think I would just be so much happier. I don't know how that's going to go with my mom though, but I guess I'll have to see.

I love my friends. Sarah and Jaimi are my absolute favorites<3 I trust them with my life. Jaimi and I have gotten so much closer the past month or so now and I'm so glad that we have been. She's the part of my life that's always been missing lol. I also love Derek Woodman. We also have gotten closer the past months and I'm so very glad that we did. Even though I make fun of him all the time, he knows I love him. Then there's "The Boys"... I pretty much hang out with Steve Casey, Andy Edwards, Brian Weichel, James Sieracki, Sean Frazher, and Allen Wiseman everyday of my life. No joke when I say EVERYDAY OF MY LIFE. I love it though. There's never a lame day with them. They always make me laugh even when I'm down about something. And even though they make fun of me A LOT, they never make me feel stuipid. Sometimes I think they forget I'm a girl though. I guess you can say I'm "one of the guys" lol. I can never get enough of them though, I love them all too 6 favorite boys<3

I miss cheerleading. I'm gaining a bit of weight because I don't do anything anymore, so I can't wait until Extreme starts up. I NEED to be active again, I don't like not having something to do. That's probably because I'm used to having cheerleading everyday of my life, so cheerleading just really needs to start soon. I also miss Tina too and she coaches the Extreme team so I'll be seeing her again hopefully soon<3

J.O.B...I'm in DESPERATE need of one, but no one is hiring though. Tomorrow//today me and Andy are putting applications in at footlocker. Jaimi said that they're probably going to be hiring soon, so I'm crossing my fingers. If anyone knows of anywhere though, let me know please and thank you :)

Alright, I think I'm going to end it here. I told myself I was going to go to sleep early today because I wanted to be up by 9ish. That's probably not going to happen, considering it's almost 4 in the morning! I suck.

Oh P.S.
Brian Weichel is sweet and we're getting married.
(he told me to put that in here lol)
haha love you Bri!

laaater dudes!
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