Jan 21, 2010 19:27
a lady rang me today and said i'm going to South Africa, not til August but thats still well exciting for me.
then i found i had a package from amazon containing 'dont tell mom the baby sitters dead and 'demolition man' on DVD.. just watched DTMTBSD SO GOOD! i remember it like i watched it yesterday but couldn't help thinking how much i want to wax christina applegate's mono brow, and warn the poor woman about her future breast cancer. shes well hot.
i've been so ill! more ill then ever before i'd say. i was going to the toilet to puke my guts out and all of a sudden i went blind and could only hear a high pitched screetching noise and i smacked my head against the door and had to crawl to the toilet. it was fuckin scary. my dad tryed to help me but he was more drunk then i've ever seen him, this was at 4am..fun times.
i'm alright now apart from intense heart burn, gaviscon or however you spell it tastes horrific.
i want tattoos, i need money that i dont need! i actually have ideas for once, when i had money i didnt know what i wanted.
i'm getting a thumb tattoo next friday, that should shut me up for about a day.
i want summit big and colourful.
i've missed you live journal, lets not ignore each other again.