I can't believe it's 2012. 2011 seemed to positivel fly y. The time difference between myself and a lot of you peeps here, and on Tumblr, made for a very timey-wimey circumstance where the New Year was concerned. I mean, it's one thing being hours ahead, but in a different year? Crazy. Anyway! I come bearing recolours of the base game tank top made untuckable by
Amaryll, a belated New Years/Happy Holidays present, if you will. Even though I can barely take any credit, seeing as how the mesh edit is by Amaryll, and the colours by
huning. I just mashed the two together because I really, reall ❤ asic clothing.
(unedited) «DOWNLOAD»mesh included for convenience.
Colours pictured are: sea nymph, pineapple, pussycat, watermelon martini, nectarine and key lime.
Model: Emma (a human