Jun 29, 2005 03:05
what else is there to be frustrated about but guys...oy. two sleepless nights now. i knew i'd get myself into turmoil going with B, but i said who cares, i want some fun. it's so not worth the frustration Victoria! Lord knows i hope, and pray...i'm just bad at the waiting part, for that man He has for me. *sigh* so who knows what the future holds. i guess for now i should really just concentrate on home life here...getting closer to God, becoming disciplined in my cleaning and cooking habits..basics first. order, yes, order in my life...spiritual first, as Elisabeth Elliot says, and the rest of your life will be ordered as well. draw near to God and he will draw near to you (Jam 4:8), delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Ps 37:4). oldies but goodies, a little worn out to me, but still so true. *sigh* good luck if anyone reads all this...feel free to ask i guess. i'll be updating here a lot more now that i'm out of school, and not turned off by my roomie's obsession with the site :P lol i think maybe i'll go to bed now and read a little. hopefully i'll get into a better mood by tomorrow!