Twentieth Hacking

Jan 13, 2011 21:03

[Today, April is gonna be productive... by which I mean be a gigantic derp/weirdo:

1.) She's in the store, standing in front of the radios. There would seem to be nothing wrong with this, expect the radios are playing rather modern sounding music, such as this, instead of the crappy 1950s stuff. Due to how April's kinda grinning like an idiot and seems to be focusing on the radios, it's clear that she's behind this.

2.) You know those tv that are placed in store windows? Well, April can be seen talking to them... and the tvs are talking back. As in, text is appearing on their screens in the form of replies and answers, as well as giving some odd static sounds in reply too, which the red-head happily talks back to. Approach the weirdo?


3.) Later on that evening, April will be in her yard, standing a few meters away from a makeshift, wooden target. And, erm, there seems to be pieces of sharp metal floating around her, which will be sent flying towards the target, either one at a time or all together. And one or two (or more) always goes off course and into the ground, leading to a sigh from April, before the metal is pulled out of the target and off the ground and back to floating around April via electromagnetism, before she repeats the process.]

Right, let's try again...

*aaron, i got mai power back, old habits emerging, clearly this will end well, *nall

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