[Today, April is now one year older and she... doesn't really care, actually. Birthdays aren't really celebrated back home, the only difference is that they drink more on birthdays, and April does enough of that already, so she carries on the day as normal. But as she walks past the pet store on her way home from work, she spots a
puppy in the window and, well, not!husband did say he would like to get a dog and it is her birthday after all...
So, now she's sitting on a bench in the park, the puppy on her lap as she proceeds to fuss over it while the puppy happily yaps and wags it's tail at her. And the electricity dog sitting by April's feet is also fussing over the puppy... yeeaaah, it's kind of an odd sight, but April doesn't seem to care since she's too busy squeeing over the puppy.]