Character Relations

Sep 30, 2019 21:47

Please post here if you have interacted with April at any time and please comment with the icon you would like me to use~!


Hearts Key

- 1 heart: I dont' like you. 2 hearts: I really don't like you.

- 1 heart: I'm not sure about you yet. 2 hearts: You seem okay.

- 1 heart: You're fun to talk to. 2 hearts: I want to know more about you.

- 1 heart: I'm starting to like you. 2 hearts: I enjoy being around you.

- 1 heart: I trust you. 2 hearts: I'll always look out for you.

- 1 heart: I've really started to care for you. 2 hearts: You're pretty much family to me.

- 1 heart: ... I-I think I'm starting to like you a bit more than a friend. 2 hearts: Yep, I do.

- 1 heart: ... /mental flail. 2 hearts: ... H-Huh, so this is what love feels like...

Jolt - electrowhipit

Herp derp opinion here

Blu Scout - freakinblur

Herp derp opinion here

Sideswipe - weaponsparked

Herp derp opinion here

Nina Fortner (Anna Liebert) - brotherseyes

Herp derp opinion here

Japan (Kiku Honda) - politerudeness

Herp derp opinion here

Lancer (Cú Chulainn) - riastrad_ridire

Herp derp opinion here

Nena Trinity - partytoastess

Herp derp opinion here

Taiwan (Xiǎom​éi​ Lín) - hwamei

Herp derp opinion here

Mae - littlemiss101

Herp derp opinion here

Quinn X. Hatch - techno_mancer

Herp derp opinion here

codes by yuanru


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