Thirty-Fifth Hacking

Sep 20, 2011 02:19

[April's first hint that something was wrong was when her not!husband tried to eat her; that was not something she wanted to do and had thus promptly fled the house, luckily with her guns. And the zombies walking in the streets had pretty much told her that 1.) Something is so very wrong and 2.) Zombie killing seems like the best solution right now. So around Mayfield you'll see:

1.) April has taken up temporary residence on a nearby roof and is picking off the zombies one by one with her trusty sniper rifle. She seems to be picking them off at random, though if any wander to close to an actual person, she's quick to give them a hole in the head.

2.) It looks like April has taken a break from shooting them and is now wandering along the streets. This wouldn't seem too weird if it wasn't for the electricity flaring and arcing violently off her, and this electricity immediately goes for any nearby zombies, resulting in some, er, head explosions. April is keeping her distance to avoid getting splattered, so anyone else nearby should probably do the same.


3.) You know what's a good way to kill zombies? Crushing them with cars, which is what April is doing with her electromagnetism. So cars are being lifted into the air and are being hurled at the zombies, effectively crushing and maybe killing them. Luckily, she's making sure to avoid hitting people who aren't zombies and she makes to check under the cars to see if the zombies are actually dead. If not, then she drops the car on them again.]

old habits emerging, what the fuck is this shiiit?, clearly this will end well

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