Feb 10, 2007 02:41
My friend has been on this "No Emotion" Kick, studying the Jedi Code, and basically re-defining LOVE for him-self. Cool deal. I find it fascinating to watch his "experiment". However, he often, and not always, but often enough wants me to "understand" his point. I get his vibe, but I also recognize that he wants me to believe in his "understanding". Hey we are all like that. He put out a challenge to the universe as it was 30 days or so without emotion, I believe.
See, he believes emotions are distorted truth, or a distortion of the one true emotion, LOVE. I can dig that, but I feel emotions are energy, and energy is everything, because everything is the multiplicity of the One, and the One to me is GOD. So reverse engineer that formula and to me emotions are a necessity only because it is reality; At least in this existence. That isn’t a bad or negative thing, it simply is Truth, or as one of my friends like to say an “altruistic truth”.
I often wonder if this existence, and all its connections, its totality, is simply one existence. That being said another "existence" doesn't necessary have to be "energy" or what we think or perceive the idea is. Anywho, I begin thinking why, I felt that "Emotion" is a fundamental aspect of this reality. The word Catharsis came to mind. My cousin had just used it in his own LJ and I got a tingle in the back of my mind but didn't understand what it was, because it wasn't ready to be known, until now.
The Greek word Catharsis means "Vomiting Up, or Purging", but in English it has come to mean a purifying emotional release, or an emotional breakthrough.
Greek Drama was constructed with the intent of triggering a vomiting-up of emotions by the audience, a purging of the poisons of daily life. Just like they also took laxatives or purgatives to empty and cleanse their digestive systems from time to time, they also from time to time did an emotional or spiritual cleansing.
This was done at regular times of the year at the theatre. The Greeks went to "purge" their negative emotions or NEMOS. At the theatre they was laughter, tears, and terror, which are triggers that bring about this healthy cleansing, this to them and is Catharsis.
In psychoanalysis, Catharsis is a technique of relieving anxiety or depression by bringing unconscious material to the surface. A catharsis can bring about a sudden expansion of awareness, a peak experience of higher consciousness. This is done by the release or the confrontation of NEMOS, which are then cleansed or recycled in a way to POE (Positive Energy). It is said Catharsis works best through physical expression of emotion such as laughing and crying. After the elation you not only feel better but have a sharper clarity.
I often wonder is this the core significance of therapy???
When I think of the human being, I imagine the hero from the Marvel XMEN Comic, HAVOC. He absorbs energy until it rises to levels where it must be released. Releasing it restores him to normal levels. When he hasn't released it, his mentality is affected, negatively. See, the human conscious is its own eco-system. It operates in circulatory fashion, whether rising and falling, back and forth, or etc. Like a battery, or pressure valve when it has reached its apex or full capacity it "must" release. Doing so brings the eco-system back into natural alignment, i.e. catharsis. My man D likes to say,”spiritually busting a nut”. I have to agree, I feel pretty good after a sexual climax, but have to admit this type is only under certain environmental parameters. LMFAO!
I once read that if you abuse the earth’s eco-system, nature can take it but so much before it needs to "release", some would say retaliate. This thinking has lead to some of today’s most profound environmental conscious theories. I feel this is true even on a spiritually or meta-physical conscious level, which has been “one” of the contributors to such mythic events as “The Flood” and etc. (Note: I believe there has been more then one biblical-like flood) Our earth's eco-system like our bodies is a self-preserving organism; it will attempt to heal itself, protect itself, and put itself in balance. Just like the human body. If you stop eating, it will store fat and feed of it. Your red blood cells attack viruses and such. When you eat your digestive system purges the poisons but utilizes the nutrients and etc.
Is emotions distorted Love or Truth?
No, but misunderstood or misused it can be.
Emotions are the very food stuff or essence of this infinitesimal organism we call “Life” or “Existence”.
"There is no Emotion, there is only the Force"
True as well if you strip all the different connotations, meanings and yata yata from it, ultimately it is the "Force" or as I like to say "GOD" or "The One".
“FOOL! EMOTIONS ARE GOD!!!” ~~The Super Villain Meridian to his adversary Dr. Xiang a.k.a. Dragon Heart~~~