Feb 07, 2007 09:34
“ The north”, Jalen spat harshly. Pulling the Yeti skin over his head more. It is still moist with blood and gore on the inside. Jalen had no time to put care in making his make shift fur coat. He had nearly died killing the monster let alone he needed to survive on its innards for sustenance.
The creature’s meat will freeze for the trip back to the camp and he definitely didn’t want to waste anything. “ S’pecially in the danm north “, he murmured as his thoughts continued. He needed to eat anyway, best that he did since he was the only person capable of hunting and surviving on the land. He needed to be strong and a little nourished at least to hunt another day.
The others would have to wait. “ Bugger them, “ he hissed as he swayed slowly in the blizzard. His 10 fingers and 9 toes where all frozen. They had no feeling in them at all. Jalen gritted his teeth and spat again, “ The bloody north “!
He bent his head low in the icy wind, unable to yell the defiant monologue to the elements that lorded over him. He moved on sheer will alone, no anger. He is enraged with himself. He could not puzzle what demon possessed him or what wizard could have been brave enough to ensorcelled him to come to this dangerous part of the world. “ Naw, tis no blimy spell. None but me owns fault. "Sides any mage knows I’d gut him “
The short stint left his lips weakly and quick, as his memory begin a slow roll backwards. He mused, maybe a recollection of events leading to his current misery would serve him up an answer or at least a solution. As the howling northern winds swirled about him, his mind blurred and whitened like the snow around him. “ Blight, I’m dead “, he thought almost satisfyingly.
However the sudden appearance of color, shape, and then a surrounding told him otherwise. His torment would continue for the moment. Maybe soon the cruel jest of the gods will cease, and Jalen Varr could rest for once, in peace. “I hates da bloody North!!!”
short stories,