Missing pussy found

Jan 20, 2005 00:20

Sorry, I just had to have that tacky subject line.

My cat Amos was missing today. Cats *really* don't like it when you move to another place, and he freaked out. We were keeping him in the garage so he wouldn't freak out too bad, but he escaped. I was worried about him since we live very close to airport blvd, the busiest street in Mobile. But when I come home from work at 11pm he's sitting in the back yard and very hungry. So I feel much better now that he's safe.

In other news, I'm making a point to go to lunch crunch when it's possible. It's an aerobics class at noon that works your abs and ass. I was taking it religiously my last spring semester, but I dropped it b/c I wanted more time to spend with friends. When it's your last semester with your buddies at SHC, friends are more important than rock-hard abs.
Since I haven't done anything exercise-like in months, I have learned my abs have nothing more than the consistancy of jello. This is compounded by the fact I work in a cafe, and am surrounded by nothing but fattening pastries and coffee. Damn you starbucks and your lack of healthy food. Damn you starbucks... for many things.. except for hiring me.
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