BSG - Yes, I'm still crying - Frack you.

Mar 20, 2009 22:54

Sitting upon the couch are Emma and Kip, with Quin between them. On the table is CM, Warren in the recliner. All three girls are sobbing, CM is stuffing filters into his pot and even Warren is leaking about the eyes.

Quin passes a box of tissue to Warren. "There ya go, furball."
"Thanks *Snif*"
"Kip, hon. You breathing?"
"*SOB* Yes. Kinda *SNIF*"
Quin sighs, "I'm gonna miss this show."
Kip sobs again "I'm gonna miss Roslin most of all.  Can we grow up to be as awesome as her, please?"
Quin smiles a little "Well, Warren drinks like Starbuck"
Warren hands her back the box of tissue. "Yep."
Emma wipes away tears. "Anyone wanna rewind to where the Galactica jumps into the super base star again?"\
CM guggles up a filter, "I say yes to that!  So say we all?"
Everyone chants, "So SAY we ALL!"

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