I have a new blog. I may occasionally post in this one, but I doubt it. I'll keep this one to keep up with my friends' blogs, but that'll probably be it. I'm using new anonymous names on there, made up of the letters of the real people's names. For instance, mine is Max. Alexandra Kaitlyn Roma. It's pretty fun coming up with names for everyone, except that I have one online friend who, according to Conor, has a last name one letter off from his first name. So that doesn't give me a wide range of letters. But I'll figure something out. I mean, no offense to you, Franz, but I've only talked to you a few times on here and facebook. Never met or anything, so I doubt you'll be in there so often that I need to come up with a name right now.
So, without further ado, I shall give out the link, and you shall all come by there and read it. And I would really appreciate some messages in the guestbook to show that it is being read. Okay, that was further ado. Here you go.