Two updates in one day! I just really want to get all these chapters out so I can play again.
Chapter 1 &
Chapter 2)
Starting off where the last chapter ended. I gave Matteo a quick makeover and-
He's apparently a merman now? I actaully played with a mermaid family and HATED it, so he'll definitely be giving up his scales if he wants to stay here.
I love how they hold hands after <3
Skye finally finished her first painting, it sold for $4. Not very impressive, Skye. That'll never pay for the hoard of children I plan for them.
Matteo decided he didn't want to be in the Criminal career anymore, so he headed over to the Science Facility. He wants to garden, too, so I'm hoping for quick promotions.
I landscaped a bit and rearranged the front porch because Matteo wanted to be all macho and athletic.
I have no idea why I took this picture. Skye took some kind of music class maybe? Probably guitar?
Matteo has to take baths so he doesn't dry out and die. I hate baths. I only bought the tub for their future children's submarine adventures.
That does not look healthy. Puke should not come from your eyes, Skye.
Much better. If you're gonna be sick, you gotta do it right.
(I also upgraded the toilet and sink in the bathroom.)
Matteo loves the new house. Thanks, Matt!
Skye thinks it's dirty already, but who cares what she thinks? She's probably crazy from pregnancy hormones.
This is Matteo's dad, Garcia.
I haven't had ghosts in my game in ages so I was a bit disappointed when all he did was watch TV.
Matteo had a cooking skill (or two? I have no clue.) so I put him in charge of breakfast.
So far, so good.
Is that smoke?
That was smoke. First attempt at cooking in this house goes horribly wrong.
Skye thought his efforts deserved a goodbye kiss before work. I was so displeased, I didn't let him eat.
He swam. All the way to work. All. The. Freaking. Way. There. I hate mermaids for this reason alone. It's such an inconvenience.
Skye bonds with her new guitar on the front lawn. She's not very good yet, but she's cute while she's doing it.
Matteo was so late for work and I was so irritated, I went into CAS and changed him back to a human. Now I just have to hope that he didn't pass his tail onto his unborn child.
People keep trying to get Skye to paint pictures and travel abroad. This displeases her as much as it does me, apparently.
I've never had a Sim read the paper before. There was an article about her and Matteo's wedding!
There's been lots of sick in this chapter.
To reinforce the previous statement, I'll leave you with Skye and her favourite object in the house.
I almost want to write another chapter... I don't know. I didn't want to combine a couple and have a really long one because I tend to not have the attention span to write them. As it is, I took a break between this chapter and the last and I took a couple breaks writing both of them. But I also don't want to spam you guys. Maybe I'll just go to bed. We'll see. Anyway, hope you liked it (: