9/11--A Brief Reflection

Sep 12, 2011 07:08

Ten years. Its hard to believe its been that long already. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was a sophomore in high school, sitting in geometry class. We were waiting on the few juniors in our class that took a few AP classes at a local college--they were running late, which was unlike them. All of the sudden the came rushing in and said "Guys--a plane just flew into the World Trade Center." We couldn't believe it...and the our principal came over the loudspeaker and confirmed it. We turned on our small classroom TV and began watching the footage. The rest of the day was spent in shock...watching the first tower fall over and over, then watching the plane hit the second. The hearing about Flight 93 going down in that field. The footage--over and over again. The dust clouds. The people jumping from windows. The fireman running in. The buildings continuing to collapse. The never ending dust could.

I didn't quite realize then how those attacks would change our world. I think I'm still understanding it, even ten years later. Our world was greatly changed and things will never, ever go back to how they were "pre-9/11".

I do know this. I know that we will never forget. *I* will never forget. I will never forget all of those innocent people that lost their lives. I will never forget the fireman and volunteers that ran in in hopes of rescuing survivors that never came. I will always mourn for those families who never even had a body to bury. I will always, always respect the FDNY, the police department, and our military for all that they've done and continue to do.

I will never forget. God Bless the USA.


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