Planned Parenthood is Under Attack! Help!!

Feb 19, 2011 04:49

Reposted with permission from tantric_scream...I can't believe this shit passed the House! This will have a very, very detrimental effect on women's health all across the US if it goes through completely. Please help!

"As you may (or may not) know, the American House of Representatives has voted, and successfully passed a vote, to remove all federal funding for planned parenthood. The subject has now been moved to the senate to write legislation, finalizing this ban. I for one am absolutely appalled and refuse to take something like this lying down. While I look for more I can do, I come to you with this letter you can sign and send to the men and women who decided this should happen. If you are so inclined, please sign it to show your support for planned parenthood while it's under attack."

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