Aug 26, 2010 06:50
Good morning LiveJournal! Things are quiet here at work (so far), so I thought I’d take a few and update. Today at work has started out much, much better than yesterday-hopefully it continues that way!
Wing night last night was quite delightful! I had hot honey bbq, which was just about the perfect level of hotness. It made my lips tingle a little, but they weren’t so hot I broke a sweat trying to eat them. They were quite messy though…I somehow ended up with wing sauce in my hair and on my glasses. Mad skills-I have them. I also had myself two Moulson Canadians, which is my favorite go-to beer if I want a good, quick buzz. It definitely served its purpose…by the time we left my bad day had been forgotten!
All of the college kids are slowly filtering back into town…ugh. Now that I’m older and live in a college town, I feel reallllyyy bad for the people who lived in the town where I went to college. I’m pretty sure I/we didn’t reach the level of annoying this kids do (ohhh who am I kidding-we so did), but they just got here and I wish they’d go the hell home already. I just want to go up to them all and tell them to put some clothes on-they all walk around in PJs all the time! That’s a bit of a pet peeve of mine. Ahhhh oh well. To each their own.
Speaking of nothing-I’m starting to get slightly irritated with the opinion of the general public that 25 is too young to know your own mind.
I did, however, get a really nice compliment from a co-worker yesterday. I was told that I’m the first woman he’s ever met who’s physically attractive, low maintenance, and intelligent. It was quite flattering.
I’m still feeling slightly off-balance. I’m not sure what the cause is yet…not enough physical activity? Not enough quiet time? I don’t know. I’m trying to solve the physical activity thing-I’ve been trying to ramp up my gym time (and my stair master time at work). I also might be going hiking in two weeks, so I’m pretty excited for that. Some nature time and physical activity, all together? Winner!
Astrology is a funny thing.
Ohhh I think that’s about it for now. Happy Thursday everyone!
EDIT: Its 850 am and I've been ready to strangle someone for about an hour. Today is not, in fact, any better than yesterday. It just took longer for it to hit. *sigh
random blabber,
life in general