Apr 29, 2009 22:33
Hey there LiveJournal! My internet is being super-craptastic, so hopefully I can get though this post without it completely dying on me. I just figured I should do a what is now monthly (ish) update.
Things have still been good and relatively uneventful. The wedding planning is still coming along very very well--we have quite a bit done, and what's not done we have ideas for. We booked the place for the rehearsal dinner and reserved a block of rooms for our out of town guests, so all of the major stuff is taken care of. Church, reception hall, food, rehearsal dinner, hotel...we have leads on DJs, a photographer, and bakers for the cake. My family is coming in June and we're going on our first dress shopping expedition. I am SO EXCITED for that!!!! :-D
We're still house hunting-ish. We're looking around to see what's out there...but we're extremely picky. So finding something in our price range that we actually like has been difficult so far. Plus we have a whole lotta nothin' for the down payment as of now. In due time it'll happen...its not like we're unhappy where we're at. Just getting tired of renting.
Let's see...what else. OH! Some jackass ran into my parked car in the parking lot at work! I had owned it for....11 days at that time. He did quite a number on it...$2400 in damage. BUT--at least he came forward about it and is taking care of the damages. I dropped the car off today, I should have it back in a week. I miss it!! *pouts* My first rental car was a 2001 Chevy Malibu (complete with casette deck!! Woo!), but once I got it home I happened to glance down at the inspection sticker--it runs out tomorrow. So, I called the shop, took it back, and now am driving an 2006 Pontiac G6. Which I despise. I don't like anything about the damn thing. And I almost test drove one when I was looking at car shopping! Sooo glad I didn't waste my time!
Spring has officially sprung here. Grass is growing, trees are turning green, flowers are blooming...the whole works. Its wonderful! The weather last weekend was up around 90-95 degrees. Holy HOT! We spent the bulk of our time out on the motorcycle though, so it was really quite lovely. I love riding...
Other than that, I really don't have much else. Life is good...I'm loving it. Loving my man, my dog, my body, my car...just loving life in general! :-D
life in general,
wedding planning,