Jun 17, 2005 14:00
I'm totally at a loss as to how to start this post in a punchy,
interesting way. Study leave blah blah, lots of free time blah
blah...first exam went well though, and I only have three left so it
could be worse. To be honest, I'm far more excited about Doctor Who
tomorrow which promises to be the greatest thing ever. If it manages to
be as good as 'Dalek', 'Father's Day', The Empty Child/The Doctor
Dances' and 'Bad Wolf' I will be a very chuffed Ed. I really don't want
Chris to go, but at the same time I really like David Tennant and can't
wait to see what he does with the part. I'm so conflicted.
I also saw Batman Begins
yesterday which surparssed all expectations and totally blew me away.
It also made me love Christian Bale even more than usual and confirmed
by belief that yes, Batman can be done properly on the cinema. And it
like totally made a Cillian Murphy fan out of me. Guy rocks.
I've got nothing much else to say really, except L'Arc~en~Ciel's new album should hopefully be a blast. Yeah.
tv: doctor who,