I'm bloody loving SG-1 season nine so far. I'm six episodes in, and all six episodes have been absolutely fantastic. I don't think SG-1 has ever had such an uninterrupted streak of gold as far as I'm aware. It's the best season since five!
All the new elements are just great and I honestly don't have a single complaint about any of them, they just totally work for me. You've got John Crichton now leading the team, Vala being absolutely hilarious and very sexy (I can't wait for her to come back and be part of the team officially, because I love her to bits), really cool and dangerous new villains, prettier visuals, Arthurian legend, Landry (he's like a slightly more prickly Hammond and I like him just as much), the free Jaffa, the creepy Priors, the increased amount of lulz... I mean, It does feel like quite a different show and it might have made more sense if they had gone with the Stargate Command idea, but I'm not complaining - SG-1 feels re-engergised, exciting and shiny and new.
I know this is a bad of me, but I can't help but think they should've had O'Neill leave earlier. You're all aware of my rather fractious history with the character, and while I grew to like him a lot more in seasons five and six, I do think that RDA started to phone it in, especially as the writers struggled to give O'Neill stuff to do with the more limited screentime he had. It felt to me like he was starting to become a bit like the proverbial albatross around SG-1's neck, which is a horrible thing to think, but the arrival of the much more enthusiastic, energetic Cam has kind of proved me right. With O'Neill gone the series feels like it's being freed from its shackles and having more fun.
2. I'm not really digging Merlin season two all that much. The fact that they've turned Merlin into a bumbling idiot and Arthur's spineless whipping boy is disappointing after how much the character seemed to progress at the end of season one. I'm honestly getting sick of the Merlin/Arthur scenes now, because they're so predictable and irritating (YOU'RE AN IDIOT MERLIN YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING YOU'RE USELESS HURR DERP). There's not been nearly enough Morgana for my liking either, despite episode three. The most recent episode might well have been the weakest episode the show has ever done, bringing nothing all that new or exciting to the table. Me and my brother ended up doing a MST3K-style commentary throughout it, which is never the best sign. Also, I wish they'd do some kind of story-arc - nothing too intensive, just something that I can really get my teeth into. In comparison Robin Hood was doing the amazing Black Knights arc at this point, so... er... get with it, Merlin!
At least Legend of the Seeker is back next month to fulfill my awesome fantasy needs and make me to flail like a loon (IT IS SO GOOD YOU GUYS ).
This is the most amazing picture Awkward Family Photos has ever posted ever ever.