
Jun 30, 2010 18:54

 I woke up about a year ago, or maybe it was two... I opened my eyes and found out that I was either blind or just completely scared of the world for the [p]ast 18 years that I've journeyed through. While the memory was still fresh, my thoughts ran wild. Going back and forth, from piece to piece trying to puzzle together some logical explanation as to why I've now opened my eyes. What made this reign of light shine? I longed for each answer and took a silent vow upon myself to search until the answers were then as clear as the moment I began to see.
Yes, I found the moment where I began to find myself, as I have been this same person breathing the air as all... But as that moment in my life settled into me, I understood for once. But I never stopped questioning.

I feel like I have been kept out of the world for too long. As a sad pitiful person, I sorrow amongst myself. Revealing little truth beneath these trails made at open's end. Oh how I hate whats become of me in the years of 2000. Why is it that I cant seem to get a grasp on myself other than a  official protocol of life called work?
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